The boogomatic

Since 2001
4th Edition
Home | Blog | Camping | Recipes | Games | Toys | Stuff

Welcome to my little piece of hyperspace

Trenton 1961

I hope you enjoy this website I have created. It was started to bring news of home to friends and family spread far and wide. Friends and family are invited to offer suggestions or submit photos to be included on this site. The first suggestion I had was for recipes, so I added some of my favourites, and I invite you to send me your favourites.

Things to see

Trenton 1967

Go to the credits page for a explanation of how this site is constructed. Check out what's new on this website. Read what others have said in the guestbook, or leave your own message . If you do not want the message posted in the guestbook, say it's private.

Thanks to all

Trenton 1978

Try the pages in photos for pictures and snapshots. Play some of the games that I've collected. See toys for kites, bikes, and cars. Being an avid Nascar Nextel Cup fan, I've included information and statistics. See stuff for K-Meleon skins, some of my favourite sites are on the links page, or see my recipes.

Best Viewed

Trenton 2005

These pages will look best viewed with a modern browser. Screen size: 640 × 480 or larger. Browser: Mozilla Firefox and other Gecko browsers, Opera or Internet Explorer 5.0+. I use Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.0 running on Ubuntu 8.10.

Site created: May 30, 2001 |  boogomatic | Site updated: November 20, 2009
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